Nature is as wide as the world, a world that is the essence of all beings…
We live in a fractal realm which formed life through itself. From a single cell at the bottom of the sea in billion years ago to awakened humans, life always wants to reach unity through superfluity.
Life as energy vibrates and flows through the matter in various fractal forms.
Fractal geometry is the invisible strings between evolution and design. A generative design by nature itself.
In morphology and geomorphology shapes of all of living organisms like trees, plants, animals, corals and aquatic animals or almost everything organic have self-similar branching structures which all can be approximated by a fractal set. Self-similarity is the symmetry across scale. It implies recursion, pattern inside of pattern.
Fractal is sometimes considered a universal pattern language as the forms it describes can be found in everything. Their ability to describe complex forms nested within each other and repeated towards infinity, has allowed the modeling of chaotic phenomena. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos.
The visual data created by a fractal form naturally occurs in our conscious perception.
Meditation, falling asleep, psychedelic experience, dreaming or even closing your eyes and applying stress to the optic nerve can produce a mosaic fractal within our visual perception.
Natural architecture has an organizing structure and fractal geometry is a tangible way to understand and describe this structure.
The beauty and harmony seen in geometric patterns reflect a higher and deeper geometric order inspired by nature.
The Islamic architecture has had an attitude towards nature and the relationship between man and nature. Man in his journey tries to connect with the world of divinity and reflect its system in the creation of his works. He is always trying to free himself from materialism and tending to spirituality, for this reason, the sublime dimension of human existence can become a means of improving man in the planning and design of the artificial environment and nature, and make him more and more familiar with his spiritual aspect. and help him achieve his desired perfection.
The Islamic fractal design like Muqarnas acts as a strong stimulus to the brain, generating strong emotions in a very short time. For the traditional architect, geometric patterns are like forms of multiplicity in unity. They are repeating patterns that symbolize the idea of infinity and timelessness.
Fractal geometry reflects a certain connection between the life of plants, inanimate objects, human beings and the universe is not detached from its origin.
VR Experience \ Music \Sound Design
Mo Tazari
Aspect Ratio